about us

Our quarterly magazine is available for digital download and subscription, print subscription and print on demand.

TOP COUNTRIES: US Canada UK | 71% Women Readers

Women’s Quarterly™ is a registered trademark and brand of ICE Media Entertainment LLC.


giving women a voice

Welcome to Women's Quarterly Magazine, where we believe in the power of the mind your business mindset. Our publication is dedicated to providing women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in work, money, and self-care.

We believe in empowering women to take control of their lives and careers. Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or a woman just starting out in the workforce, we have the information and resources you need to succeed.

Our magazine covers various topics, including career development, entrepreneurship, personal finance, mental health, and wellness. We feature interviews with successful women who have overcome obstacles and achieved great things in their careers and expert advice from top professionals in various fields.

Every woman has the potential to achieve great things, and we are here to help them realize that potential. So, if you are ready to take control of your life and career, we invite you to join us at Women's Quarterly Magazine. Together, we can help you achieve the success and fulfillment you deserve.


our vision board

Born: February 19, 2016

The story behind the birth of our magazine started with the goal of shedding light on mental health awareness and givng women a voice to share their trauma and triumph.

Where do we visually see ourselves in the future? In addition to our philanthropic pursuits, we will continue to use this as a platform for women to share their stories, grow their business, and increase brand visibility.

Women's Quarterly, WQ, is a creative outlet to help raise funding for disadvantaged children and their families; to assist with living, medical, and educational expenses. We will also continue to support ALS awareness and funding through this publication; in memory of our Publisher's father who lost his battle with ALS in 2006. We support the Walk to Defeat ALS for the DMV Chapter.

"We all have a heart, so share some of yours."💖Extended Hugs

our team

Our WQ Team is dedicated to the growth and success of our magazine. We are Gen X and Gen Z women - bringing together the best of both worlds. Old School philosophy while keeping up with the current trends.

We look for content that will educate, entertain and empower our readers. Got a suggestion? Send your suggestions to: editors@wqmagazine.com or click here to submit your application to share your knowledge and expertise.

Columnists: Danielle Cobo, Tracy Interlandi, Jen Bayer, Tamron Little, Karina Kurani, Serenity Chambers, Inga Gisladottir

Contributors: Christina Flach, Betty Rhoades, Katherine Scott, Robin Anderson, Lauren D'Ath, Heather Pillman, Lara Badiali, Corina Edghill, Shveata S., Sade Bolling, Thuy Tran, Danielle Medina, Andrea Cameron, Celeste Hilling, Dean McMurray, Dr. Mo, Lora Clark, Andrea Ramirez, Sabrina Carrington, Dr. Sherry, Robert Conqueror Roberts

"Teamwork makes the dream work." ~ John C. Maxwell

Founder & Publisher: Ilene Carol


what we do?

Calling all authors, coaches, online retailers, mompreneurs, solopreneurs and girl bosses. Partner with our magazine and join our network of empowering women. Let WQ help you grow, market, promote, and build your brand with our proven marketing techniques and growth hacks.

Gain INsight. + Be INspired. + Get INnovation = EMPOWERMENT
Are you IN? #ImInWithWQ


Only I can change my life.
No one can do it for me.