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Heels or Flats?
Afro, locs, ponytails, curls, braids, long, short, or even bald, the way a woman chooses to wear her hair can help learn a lot about her. You may be able to learn her personality just by the way she wears her hair, but have you ever taken the time to think what each hairstyle may represent?
Your hair: A definition of your personality
Women not only wear their hair in multiple styles but also, multiple colors. You can be a natural blonde, born with red hair, or born with black or brown hair. Sometimes, women will choose to dye their locks to the colors of their choice. For example, what comes to mind when you see a woman with red hair? In an article from Cosmopolitan, it states that “red hair is the only one that stands out on its own and means something by itself. If you have red hair, it usually means that you’re fun-loving, hate to be bored, have a good sense of humor, and want to keep things light.” (Cardellino 2018).
The classic afro has been around since the 1960’s, and as seen around the world, has regained its popularity. What may seem as trendy to some, it can be problematic to others. Some women who chose to wear their hair in an afro at work, have been shunned by their overseers as being “unprofessional” or “a distraction”. As a result, some of these women have been instructed to: wear a wig/weave, tame their hair by getting a perm, or even being terminated from their position.
Short sassy hair
If wearing your hair in longer fashions isn’t your thing, getting it cut short is a great alternative. Women that wear their hair in short styles have been viewed as being someone who doesn’t like stressing over things in life, especially hairstyles. Having a short style that you can simply wash and go, gives you more time to focus on different things in life.
Ponytails were once viewed as a “style for little girls” to now one of profession. Ponytails can be styled in many different ways (ex: pigtails, side ponytails, cinched ponytails, high ponytails, braided, front bumped, half up-half down, low and parted, etc.) Each style of ponytail can symbolize sophistication (low & parted ponytail) to athletic (high ponytail). Whichever style of ponytail you chose to wear, make it your own!
Curls, curls, curls
Women who chose to wear their hair in curled styles are believed to engage in things quicker than others. They possess a bubbly personality but are also leaders, lovers, passionate, and dynamic. As with most hairstyles, women can be born with naturally curly hair, or opt to curl it on their own.
Straight to the point
Wearing hair in straightened is a very familiar style. Women may choose to wear their hair in a sassy, bone straight style, kinky straight, layered, or with colored streaks of hair. This is a growing style that changes as time passes. A clear classic, that has stood the test of time.
Bald is Beautiful
Beauty comes in many forms, and for women shaving their hair bald for many reasons, this makes no difference. As the catchphrase goes, “bald is beautiful,” many women take this quote to heart. May it be for personal growth, repairing previously unhealthy hair (ex: breakage) or medical reasons, going bald is a thing of beauty. For this simple and short style, women either get what is known as a “buzz cut” and add a dash of color to the hair, or just go completely bald. This fearless style shows individuality, strength, and independence.
This is just a brief summary of some of the most popular hairstyles, seen on women currently. As times change, hairstyle choices may move forward, bringing light to new ideas and styles, or revisit some styles of the past (1950’s “Victory Roll” anyone?). Whatever the case may be, embrace your hair and style it in a way you see fit, one that matches your personality!
Article submitted by Sade Bolling.