Lesley Logan

Sabrina Nelson
Having begun Not You as part of her master’s thesis while attending Southern New Hampshire University, Megan Harris M. is now working on her PhD in English, with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in Literary Theory at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. She also serves as an Instructor of Record for their Department of English. Her creative works usually include pieces of her past that she uses to help others who’ve experienced the same, as well as some academic projects that explore the lasting effects of colonialism and sexism. On a normal evening, you can find her typing rhythmically away, a glass of Merlot close by her side as she listens to the hypnotic sounds of jazz floating in the background. She is the mother of five children and resides in Maryland, just south of the city of Baltimore. Not You: A Memoir released with Apprentice House Press this month.
Not You: A Memoir details the struggles of a single mother who has the task of overcoming the self-loathing that imprisons her inside of one bad choice after another. For the woman who has been mocked and abused, has lost a baby, lost herself, or has lost her community due to decisions she’s felt were necessary—this memoir will appeal to anyone who has had to find the courage to love themselves first.