Pairing 101: Why care about the pair?

How to freshen up your spring cuisine
Spring provides the perfect opportunity to host a party and show off all of the hard work you’ve put into your lawn and garden. Before your first guest arrives, make sure you have made all the preparations for your blooms to blossom, your garden to grow and your outdoor space to be pest free.
There’s nothing like uninvited guests or a dull landscape to ruin a gathering of friends or family. Keep in mind these housekeeping tips for spring entertaining:
- Create a beautiful floral centerpiece of freshly-picked flowers from your landscape. Include a range of colors, textures and smells. A landscape maintenance plan that provides flowering plants with a proper blend of nutrients will ward off destructive pests and guarantee a centerpiece guests will enjoy. In fact, one of the best defenses from pests is a strong, actively growing and well-maintained plant.
- Protect your showcase garden.Given last year’s record-breaking heat, and the corresponding uptick in insect activity, your garden may be faced with another pest-invasion this season. Protect your growing garden from feeding and foraging pests by applying an insecticide, such as GardenTech Sevin products, which breaks down in the environment. Depending on the produce, this insecticide can be applied throughout the growing season, right up until the day before harvest.
- Remove unsightly weeds. Warmer weather also will undoubtedly introduce the presence of ugly growth on decks and walkways, and in landscapes. A specialized herbicide is just the solution to eliminate troublesome moss and other weeds – letting your home’s exterior shine when it matters most.
- Prevent pesky party-crashers. To prevent pest infestations while guests enjoy themselves, apply insect bait around the perimeter of planting beds and entertainment areas. The bait serves as a protective barrier, so insects don’t come inside those areas to cause mischief. Foraging insects take the granules back to their nests and share – eliminating colonies at their source.
- Green-up landscapes. Take your pale green or yellowing plants – a common symptom of iron deficiency – from plain to vibrant with a mineral supplement, such as Ironite. The “greening” supplement ensures plants receive the essential secondary and micro-nutrients they need to develop strong roots and lush, green growth. Feeding is made easy with liquid and granule formulations that have been customized for various plant types and application needs.
- Leave a lasting-impression. Impress and indulge guests by incorporating garden-fresh ingredients (herbs, veggies and fruits) in your meal. You can even take it a step further by creating gift basket party favors stocked full of your own home-grown goodies – an idea that is sure to keep guests coming back.
Cue up the invites, apply these tips and throw in a few of your own. You’re now ready for a little outdoor entertaining. For more information and additional helpful hints, check out www.central.com.