
Get a FREE WQ Brand T-shirt

Enter your name, contact information, mailing address, and size to request a T-shirt. Availability is based on quantity and location. We are looking for people in the US who are willing to take a photo wearing our T-shirt. Select photos will be placed on social media, our website, and our magazine with a tag back to you.

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Select a T-shirt
Choose which T-shirt you would like to request.

T-Shirt Details

Your Details

Agreement Terms
You are in agreement of the terms to receive a free t-shirt. You are at least 18 years of age. You live in the United States. You are agreeing to take a photo of yourself wearing our T-shirt. You are giving Women's Quarterly the permission to post the photo of you wearing our t-shirt on our social media, on our website and possibly in our digital and print magazines with a tag back to your social media account. You give Women's Quarterly the permission to contact you by email or by phone. Submitting this form is not a guarantee of receipt of a t-shirt, to make use of your images, or of a service. You hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge Women's Quarterly Magazine from all claims, demands, and causes of action which may happen by reason of this authorization. In addition to any printing errors from third party services and or technical problems from software applications.