A Daughter’s Love Letter

3 Easy Ways to Treat Yourself
With summer solstice quickly approaching, it has me thinking about how we can enjoy each moment a bit more. I sat down and came up with 10 easy steps that EVERYONE can achieve.
1. Clear out the old - This goes way deeper than spring cleaning and organizing the junk drawer and asking, “Why am I hanging onto 200 bread bag twist ties?”. Clearing out the old is going through all the old people, places, and things and really asking yourself, “Is this serving me in a meaningful way?”. Perhaps it’s time to cut ties with the old and allow yourself to rise. While you're at it, make sure you throw or donate those 200 bread bag twist ties.
2. Play - Allow the inner child out. This is a bit simpler than what it sounds. Often, we as adults get caught up in the din of life and deny ourselves of the joys. As kids, we took these joys for granted because we were in the moment of laughing, playing, singing or just being. We weren't thinking ten steps ahead. So, find something, anything, that brings you JOY, and go and do that. There may be many of you thinking “I’m not even sure what brings me joy”. That my friend is a whole separate conversation, but my advice is to start simple and to have “micro experiences”.
3. Vitamin D - The power of the sun and vitamins cannot be understated. It does a world of good for the mind, body, and spirit (after all, we are basically a complex house plant with emotions). But I’d be remiss if I didn’t say to go with moderation. Just like (and I know I’m going to make some enemies here) wine and chocolate. If there are questions or concerns, please consult with your primary healthcare provider.
4. Socialize - Society is slowly making its way back to interacting with others in public. And let's face it, we are social creatures. Go hit the beach, a concert, a garden party, Red Carpet Premiere or even a backyard BBQ. Whatever the event is, get out and socialize with others.
5. Exercise – No matter the season, exercise remains a priority on every list. Regardless of physical ability and/or age, everyone can find a suitable exercise. Having a regular exercise routine can have tremendous and long-lasting positive impacts in all areas of a person's life. As always, consult your primary healthcare provider if there are any health concerns.
6. Laugh - When was the last time that you laughed? The good old fashioned belly laugh. The last three years or so have been challenging for us all. Break open that daily joke book, maybe it’s a funny movie, or just spending time with people who make you smile and laugh.
7. H20 - Adult humans, interestingly enough, are comprised of roughly 60% water. Our blood is also 90% water, and we can only live about 3 days without it. It would make sense to make sure that we are replenishing that supply constantly. However, there is a deeper part to this. Have you ever taken a swim or shower and felt energized after? Now think of that same energy on the inside. Water helps ground our energies.
8. Commune with nature - There is a lot to be said for connecting to Mother Earth. Now call me weird, but I love, love the smell of fresh dirt. There is something about it that speaks to my soul. The same goes for trees, plants, and animals. I believe that there is a primal part of us that requires “recharging” from time to time. Check out a local, park, atrium garden, or even the plant section in your favorite store. From the rural back roads to the big city interstates, you can find a green space that will fit your needs.
9. Birth something new – Now, this doesn't mean that you need to run out and get yourself a Lamaze coach. Instead, be creative and create something, whatever that might be. Surround yourself with like-minded people (your tribe) or perhaps attend or take part in events that inspire you. What is your muse?
10. Like a garden, tend to your relationships - Pull the weeds and water the rest. Now before you think, “Whoa there, me plus plants equals bad news”, this is more about cultivating. Remember you have a choice; you can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds. The choice is yours.
By Dean McMurray
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