Score big with these game day entertaining tips
Provencal Rice Salad
The New Year can often conjure up a variety of events and feelings for people. For some, its champagne, midnight kisses, and dancing till dawn. For others, it’s setting resolutions that quickly fade away once it hits January 15th. Wherever you are this year, here are 12 actionable steps (one per month) that you can take to help you truly transform yourself, and those around you.
1) Express gratitude everyday (no matter how small) - Before you say that you have nothing to be thankful for, stop, and take a breath. You are a living miracle. Know that in EVERY situation there is something to be thankful for.
2) Create a vision board - If you aren’t aware of what this is, let Google be your friend and check out all the different versions of vision boards. They are powerful tools for helping you manifest all your hopes, dreams, and goals.
3) Boundaries - This one can be difficult but is so needed. If you have personal or professional relationships that are extremely negative and know people who tend to just bring the “vibe” of everyone down, perhaps it’s time to examine and reset your boundaries with them.
4) Self-care aka YOU time - Now I’ve been told this is easier said than done, as it can come with guilt. “Why am I getting my nails done when I could take the kids to the movies, etc., etc.”? It’s not about the activity. It is about replenishing your inner emotional vessel so you can be the best version for you. We all need a break from time to time.
5) More experiences and less empty promises to yourself - Humans tend to talk poorly about themselves. Our inner voice can be a bit tricky at times and often this voice can talk us out of taking part in fun and exciting experiences.
6) “Get Dirty” – No, it’s not the sequel to 50 Shades of Grey. However, it is time to roll up those sleeves and do some inner work. Finding your deeper sense of self can be very enlightening and help open opportunities that weren't there before.
7) Find your tribe - Finding like-minded people and organizations not only helps with support but can be life changing at the same time. It truly takes a village.
8) Disconnect to reconnect - We are bombarded by electronic devices and information at every turn. By disconnecting to the electronic and physical world, you can reconnect to your soul-self. Ram Das once said, “The quieter we become, the more we can hear.”
9) Finding your WHY - Our why drives us every day from why we do what we do to what motivates us. For some it’s money or fame and others it’s family and friends. If you’re not clear on your why, now is the time to explore and discover your motivations and passions.
10) Become self-aware - Self-awareness is more about how people, places, and things are making you react, feel, or perform. If you can identify what elements are holding you back, you can navigate the “zigs and zags” in life and greatly enhance your emotional and physical state of being.
11) Go on a diet - This isn’t your typical diet! This is what I call the negative word diet. On average, we speak 5,000-7,000 words a day and usually there are a good deal of negative words or phrases mixed in there. Some examples include: no, “you can’t do that”, lost, lonely, fearful, regretful, and the list goes on. The idea here is to catch these words before they come out of your mouth and find a more positive substitute (don’t worry the internet has tons of them out there or maybe dust off that dictionary).
12) Give back - This one is an oldie but a goodie. Remember, it doesn’t always have to be financially, it can simply be a compliment, a kind word, or smile. Giving back can come in all forms.
“A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step.”
~Lao Tzu
By Dean McMurray
facebook: The Military Medium
instagrahm: @militarymedium